yes. she's judging you.


0224magssmYou bet she's got opinions. Opinions on this weather, that's for sure. While there is, apparently, great fun in hunting for (and gobbling up) rabbit turds in the snow, she  misses her long walks and even longer trips to the dog park. She also misses digging in the dirt for burrowed chipmunks and being able to see the dogs being walked on the other side of the street (who are currently blocked by enormous snow banks).However, she also realizes that once it warms up, she'll have far fewer mittens and hats to steal from guests who innocently place them in pockets or on the radiator in the entry way. So yeah, she's  not sure what she wants at this point.For your internet share, first I'm going to be 100% self-serving and ask that you go vote for me in this concert photography competition. You can vote one time every day, so bookmark it and go crazy, people! And if  you think another candidate might be more worthy of your vote (there are a ton of super talented folks included!) then vote for them! But you should vote. :)Now for your *real* internet share of the day! This funny guide to dating a designer. It made me laugh!