you have got to be kidding me


1029pantssmSo, I've been having some wardrobe problems. Yeah, if you're a guy?  You might want to skip today's entry.Anyway, all of my pre-pregnant pants were low rise. And while I can fit into them now (although it's not the prettiest scenario in all cases...), they all button very close to my incision, and when I sit down? Helloooo pain. So I don't really have any pants. Except for my yoga pants. And really, I can only wear those so many places.I need some pants that fit higher on my waist, but still look like 2014, which is quite the dilemma. But! As I was perusing all those fashion magazines a few weeks back, I noticed this crazy trend where ladies are now dressing up their SWEATPANTS. Seriously. This is a thing.And while it seems totally ridiculous, I was all, "Yes please I would like to wear sweatpants all day now." And? They fit higher on the waist. Hooray! So the hunt began.And the ones I kept leaning toward were around a hundred bucks. Listen, I might be a slave to fashion and all that, but no way no how am I paying $100 for some sweatpants. Gimme a break.Well! Yesterday I needed to run to Target to buy those plastic carved pumpkins that look real (sidenote: Yes I have become one of those people. The squirrels eat my pumpkins every year and I am over it until the kid here can remember carving them, upon which we will revert to carving real pumpkins). Anyway! I thought I'd stroll through ladies clothing to see if they had any of these "dressy" sweatpants. And lo and behold! They did! And I bought them! And you can to! And we can all feel "high fashion" while wandering the streets in our pajamas!I should also note that if I were not recovering from surgery, I would be mocking this trend completely. But instead, I will embrace the ridiculousness. And I am so comfortable that I suggest the same to you.For your internet share today, JK Rowling is releasing a new story on Halloween! And it's the backstory behind that bitch Dolores Umbridge! Whoa, did I just call a fictional character from a children's book a bitch? Why, yes. Yes I did. I'm kinda passionate about the Harry Potter stuff.