Posts in Ezra
monday at the madhouse // sun's out, tongue's out

01smWhat a fun week! First off, being able to have this little man sit on his own (and be stable enough to not worry about falling) is a huge benefit to our day-to-day life. I had no idea how great this milestone would be. Probably up there with SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT. But I wouldn't know about that one yet, now would I?Anyway, Ezra continued being adorable this week, Magda continued to be on great behavior and we had a ton of fun. One interesting development is that Ezra looooooves to stick his tongue out. You'll see that theme throughout the images. In fact, more than Ezra had their tongue out this week. Also? If his tongue isn't out, he's likely making farting noises galore. He's gonna be a great date, I tell you.02sm 03sm 04sm 05sm 06sm 07smEven Ezra's buddy Eero had his tongue out this week! We invited Eero's family over for tacos and took photos in sombreros after. Because... fiesta. Yeah. You know.08sm 09smHa! How ridiculous does he look in these sunglasses? He thought so as well, because right after I snapped this he threw them on the ground.10sm 11sm 12sm 13sm 14smFor your internet share of the day, have you seen Obama's remarks at the White House Correspondents Dinner? Because it made me snort out loud. Enjoy!

monday at the madhouse // record store day

03smWell hi there. This week was super busy, but great. I tell you what, after the previous week, just getting healthy took us to the next level of happy. And? On top of that? It was Record Store Day! And we had a fantastic weekend.01smFirst, Ezra took some monster naps this week, and I finally snapped a shot of the kid sleeping. Oh, my heart.02smWe stopped at the Electric Fetus on Saturday for Record Store Day and also got some Nate Dogs. Did Ezra want to try some hot dog? No. That's the face I got. C'mon kid! Trust your mama!04smHow handsome are these two?05smEzra was in a bit of a mood on Saturday, but Stacy cheered him up a bit :)06smCoupla hipsters.07smThen we went to a birthday party for my buddy Gigi's little boy. Some of us ate guacamole. Ezra ate his teething necklace.09smAnd then he got happier because who isn't crazy about being thrown in the air?10smAnd then he got to snuggle with Gigi! Life is pretty great for this kid.11sm 12sm 13smSunday we walked to brunch.14smNyberg met us, and Ezra got to try pancakes for the first time! Big hit. Especially since they came with blueberries.15smOverall, a much better week.

monday at the madhouse // a very hard week

10smThis last week kinda sucked.When it began, I was sick with a head cold. Then we had to put my dear sweet Merlin to sleep. Then I got the flu ... the barfy flu. With a fever. And then the next day Ezra got pink eye.So yeah. Can we get on to a better week pretty please?01smThe bright spot of this week was a visit from my mother-in-law from Kansas City. Oh, how these two adore each other.02smOne thing Ezra tried this week, besides pink eye, was thai food.03smYeah. He's a fan of massaman curry.04smHere are a few more shots of Merlin on his last day. These are super hard for me to look at right now, but I know I'll love them later. It's so fucking hard to realize he's not with us anymore. I miss him like crazy.05sm08sm09sm07sm06smOne last shot of my boy.Here's hoping next week is better and that this guy is in a happier place.

monday at the madhouse // tons of firsts

01smHappy Monday! Last week was insane. We had Ezra's first fever, Merlin was sick, Magda was sick and then I got sick, too. Ezra, however, who started all this, began feeling better just 24 hours after he got ill, thank goodness. His other firsts this week included steak and asparagus! And how cute is it that this kid loves steak? Adorable.I also ran into several readers this weekend who all told me what a smiley baby I had! Well, he is pretty smiley. But you have to remember that I'm choosing the photos you see each week! So this week, I chose a few images of his resting gaze, which I adore just as much as his smile.12sm 11sm 10sm 09sm 08sm 07sm 06sm 05smThis shot was taken for my mother. She loves those two guys up there so dang much :)04sm 03sm 02sm

monday at the madhouse // and so it begins

01xsmWhat a week. I am pretty sure that Ezra is *just* about to start teething. As you look through these images, you'll notice a few things. 1) His hands are in his mouth a lot and there is a LOT of drool. 2) He has found his toes and wants to hold them constantly. 3) He also now likes to pull on our faces. It's hilarious.Thursday night, we got about 1.5 hours of sleep total. And then Friday and Sunday we got 7 hours straight. He is so unpredictable at this point, but through it all, he's still pretty adorable so I guess I'll keep him ;)New things for Ezra this week included yogurt and blueberries (he loves them!) and drinking water from a sippy cup. Merlin got to walk outside without a leash a bit this week, which he loved, and Magda is getting monster walks every day as I try to keep up my steps on my FitBit. And I think that's the news! Happy Monday, everyone!01sm04smEzra had another playdate with Naomi this week. When I was taking this photo she was patting his butt. It was hilarious.02sm03smI snapped a few shots during bathtime this week because I love his soapy hair.05sm06smI love these new shoes.07sm08sm09smAre you sure you can't fit more of your hands in your mouth there, buddy?10sm11sm12sm13sm14sm15sm

monday at the madhouse // ncaa tournament and a visit from my college roomate

01smWhat a week! We had our six month checkup (and shots), new foods (the kid loves peas!), a visit from my college roommate (so much fun!) and lots of NCAA basketball (thank goodness the kid doesn't understand swear words yet).Look at that photo up there of Ezra and Jamie ready for Sunday's game. If only the team had been as ready as they were.02smPro tip: Whole peas are less messy than pureed peas.04smThis is Ezra while we wait for the doctor. Clearly, he is forgetting that these visits end with shots.05sm08sm03smWait. Did I just say shots?!06smPoor kid.07smHere is Ezra with my childhood buddy, Robin (from Colorado).09smYeah, this kid is definitely mine. He's marked as such.10smRemember this photo? Someone's getting big.11smPoor Merlin. This week was tough on the boy.15sm 12sm 13sm 16sm 14sm 17sm

monday at the madhouse // six months old

01smThis week Ezra is six months old! And his grandma came to visit from Kansas! And he got to go to the zoo! Overall, a pretty great week for the kid. Also, we've been feeding him "real food" lately, and it has been hilarious.Perhaps I will do a few photos of that next week so you can all laugh along with us. The poor kid seems to hate to swallow the food, but he loves the taste of it. We'll get there eventually...But back to this week!02smFirst up at the zoo was the monkey house! I love the monkeys and was highly entertained.03smLook at that mustache!04smEzra was more like, "Meh... whatever." We'll try this again in a few months.05smNo baby gorillas to be seen!06smMore shots of the polar bear.07smThis is the giraffe looking at Ezra.08smThis is Ezra looking at the giraffe!09smThis is my mom holding Ezra his second week of life on the left, and last week on the right. As you can tell, he's much more wiggly now.15sm10sm 11sm14sm12smThis is grandma telling Ezra all of his mother's secrets.13smYeah kid, I really did have members of Skid Row sign my shorts when I was 13. Don't judge. I thought I was cool.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to the most "mom" link ever. Please forgive me, clearly my hormones have not evened out yet as this had me weeping (happily) this morning. Pretty rad story.


0312handssmMy mom arrived in town today from Wichita. This was a huge feat because she flew for the first time by herself since 2003 (when I moved to Minneapolis). I was pretty nervous about her getting through security and the enormous Minneapolis airport, but she managed just fine. She was seated next to a 7-year-old boy who was traveling by himself to Washington DC. He helped mom out by reminding her of the finer tips of airline travel, like buckling her seatbelt on the airplane and scoring free sodas from the flight attendants.Anyway, from the airport we went straight to daycare to pick up Ezra and there was a lot of love between the two of them today. I'll have loads of photos in my weekly Monday at the Madhouse post, but I loved this image of their hands together. And yes, my mom's nails are ALWAYS perfectly manicured. And no, mine are never that nice. It probably drives her nuts... (sorry Mom!).Tomorrow we have some fun things planned, but for now I'm going to close and go spend time with the family. Oh! But before I forget, here is the trailer to the new Kurt Cobain documentary that looks extremely sad, but real. Those family video clips just tear my heart open.