monday at the madhouse // record store day


03smWell hi there. This week was super busy, but great. I tell you what, after the previous week, just getting healthy took us to the next level of happy. And? On top of that? It was Record Store Day! And we had a fantastic weekend.01smFirst, Ezra took some monster naps this week, and I finally snapped a shot of the kid sleeping. Oh, my heart.02smWe stopped at the Electric Fetus on Saturday for Record Store Day and also got some Nate Dogs. Did Ezra want to try some hot dog? No. That's the face I got. C'mon kid! Trust your mama!04smHow handsome are these two?05smEzra was in a bit of a mood on Saturday, but Stacy cheered him up a bit :)06smCoupla hipsters.07smThen we went to a birthday party for my buddy Gigi's little boy. Some of us ate guacamole. Ezra ate his teething necklace.09smAnd then he got happier because who isn't crazy about being thrown in the air?10smAnd then he got to snuggle with Gigi! Life is pretty great for this kid.11sm 12sm 13smSunday we walked to brunch.14smNyberg met us, and Ezra got to try pancakes for the first time! Big hit. Especially since they came with blueberries.15smOverall, a much better week.