Posts in Ezra
holiday with family

post by leslie

I didn't write much about the Fourth last week because I felt like I was still enjoying it! Jamie's mother came to visit us last week and we spent the actual holiday at a wonderful parade, teaching Ezra about fireworks and enjoying time away from work.A few days later I was back at the studio with dogs (!!) which you'll see soon enough, but for now, you can enjoy a few images from the weekend. I don't have that many still photos because I spent a lot of time on another video, which I'm super excited about! It's below, if you're interested.For your internet shares of the day:+ This is heartbreaking and important.+ This enrages me. Profit over babies' health. Of course.+ The photos of the story about the soccer players trapped in the cave are fabulous. Even the prayers, offerings, rain gear etc. are captivating!I feel like I must apologize about how depressing my links are these days. But that said, I think burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the state of our country and what this administration is up to is flat out dangerous. Thank you for sticking with me. 

take me with you

 post by leslie

This weekend was far too short. Probably because it was in the 60s and there were a gazillion things to do around town celebrating Prince and his life, record store day and, well, just LIFE WITHOUT COATS!Frankly, it's amazing to think last Sunday we were accumulating around 20 inches of snow, and yesterday we were in short sleeves going on bike rides outside and walking the dog! And what a refreshing change it was!But we still made time to appreciate Prince. He is by far Ezra's favorite musician right now (that changes constantly -- Macklemore is coming up as a close second), and he had a blast at the First Avenue dance party aimed at kids. It was at this party that we danced with friends and the kiddo tasted his first Shirly Temple. He thought it was "fine." However, he totally proved that he is genetically linked to me by how he grabbed my hand and pulled me deftly through the throngs of people right up to the front row. Atta boy. (Serious rock and roll face, there.)For your internet shares of the day:+ World Market is having a sale on patio furniture! I am obviously in the mood for patio gatherings.+ Sarah Palin is selling tea on instagram?+ Is water ok if left out overnight? (Of course it is, but here's why it tastes different.)

view from above

Today, we have stayed in. It's still not above zero degrees yet, and there was plenty to entertain us from our windows.First, a crew showed up bright and early to cut down two trees on our block, including one right out front of our house. That was absolutely fascinating for the boy to watch.Then, an hour later, an enormous truck pulled up and two men took away our broken washing machine and delivered a new one. Ezra watched them very carefully, and declared before naptime that when he grows up, he wants us both to work together all day taking away broken washing machines and hooking up new ones for people in the city.Big dreams, I tell you.For your internet shares of the day:+ Super fun fashion illustrations.+ Secret spy cameras in the 1890s!+ A sweet read on love and loss.

first night in the first fort

Yesterday, we spent some time building Ezra's first fort on the new bed. And when I broke out the lights? Ooooo boy, was that exciting! It's so cozy in there! Even though I prefer the look of the bed without the fort on top, I must admit that from the inside, it's truly wonderful.I snapped a few shots of Jamie and Ezra during storytime last night. These are the moments of parenthood that I want to remember forever.But don't get too sentimental. There's a whole other category of parenthood that I'm ready to forget (WHEN DO CHILDREN LEARN HOW TO WIPE THEMSELVES?!?). For your internet shares of the day:+ I love how I can see all kinds of new art every day on Instagram (even though the new algorithm is TERRIBLE). This is an example of a wonderful new find.+ Sugar-free January? I might give it a go.+ Things every kid should hear.

gearing up for the holidays

This weekend, after we recovered from the turkey feast, we put up our Christmas tree and hauled out a lot of the decorations.One of my favorites, as a child, and now one of Ezra's are these Swedish angel chimes. We love lighting the candles, watching it spin, and then the highlight for sure is blowing out the candles at the end.I'd love to hear about your favorite holiday traditions from when you were a kid! Please share them in the comments!And for your internet shares today:+ No wonder that as a kid growing up in Kansas, forests always seemed so magical to me.+ This book seems like a great gift for the ladies in your life.+ LA vs NYC. Secret: You can see one of Jamie's old apartments in this post. 

ezra's first fair (that he remembers)

Well, I try to make this not all about my kid, but besides the first day of school this week, we also had a fun trip to the fair! Ezra had a blast sitting on tractors, eating corn dogs and going on the toddler rides. While he was doing the latter, we ran into one of his very best friends from daycare, Evie, and man did those two have a great time! It was a fair highlight for sure.I'm just including a few snapshots here because I cannot resist this huge grin on his face. Enjoy! And now for your internet shares of the day:+ Our president is a racist idiot. Maybe you should contact congress and tell them you want the dreamers to stay.+ Some wonderful advice from the internet.+ These dance photos sure are inspiring.

obligatory first day of preschool photos

Today was Ezra's first day of preschool. This year is full of new routines with a new school for him, a new studio for me and a dad who no longer has drop off and pickup every day. None of the change is bad, but it is still different, so we are adjusting as best we can. Today, I biked to the school with Ezra in the Burley, and that was really fun. I hope we can continue that for a bit longer -- weather permitting.For your internet shares of the day:+ This sounds like a wonderful and easy dinner.+ Here are some pretty things for your kitchen. Have any of you tried beeswax food wraps? I'm insanely curious...+ I'm trying to be brave about my hair turning gray. This helps.

toddler days in oslo

I wish I had the time and energy for more words tonight, but I'm really beat and need to head to bed. Here's what I will say:Visiting a foreign country with Ezra is so, so different than going childless. Obviously.The highlights are:+ You learn to sleep in again because your kid is doing it, and man is it awesome.+ You never skip meals.+ You learn to explore all the playgrounds and you learn that kids have somewhat of a universal language regarding sharing and the like.+ You spend as much time outside as you can.+ On that note, while you love eating at restaurants, take away is your best friend as service abroad is much slower. Plus, who doesn't love eating in a park with an accordion playing nearby?+ You cherish and value your friends abroad even more than normal as they welcome you into their home and let your child take over their house / toys / musical instruments.The lowlights?+ I am a bit embarrassed about how little sight seeing is happening over here.+ Forced daily naps. Wait, should that be a highlight? I'm thinking yes.+ There is no hiding that you are an American when your child is yelling constantly about trains, cars, buses etc. We have become the loud Americans. For shame.+ Never enough time. Just like life back at home, there just isn't enough time in the day when a toddler is involved.Below are today's photos. They include: An amazing food market, a wonderful playground with a fantastic water feature that Ezra adored, and dinner at Kevin and Ina's (and Olivia's) where we had reindeer pizza (not lying!) and the kids played all kinds of musical instruments. Enjoy!