holiday with family


post by leslie

I didn't write much about the Fourth last week because I felt like I was still enjoying it! Jamie's mother came to visit us last week and we spent the actual holiday at a wonderful parade, teaching Ezra about fireworks and enjoying time away from work.A few days later I was back at the studio with dogs (!!) which you'll see soon enough, but for now, you can enjoy a few images from the weekend. I don't have that many still photos because I spent a lot of time on another video, which I'm super excited about! It's below, if you're interested.For your internet shares of the day:+ This is heartbreaking and important.+ This enrages me. Profit over babies' health. Of course.+ The photos of the story about the soccer players trapped in the cave are fabulous. Even the prayers, offerings, rain gear etc. are captivating!I feel like I must apologize about how depressing my links are these days. But that said, I think burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the state of our country and what this administration is up to is flat out dangerous. Thank you for sticking with me.