Posts in Rescue Dogs
meet sabine!

post by leslie

Sabine is another dog I could welcome into my family tomorrow and never have a single regret. She is amazingly trained. She is sweet as can be. She loves to snuggle and she loves other dogs. She’s four and was an owner surrender to the rescue, and people I cannot figure out how anyone would ever give this dog up! She is so, so, so sweet! And already trained! She loves going on walks and hates riding in the car. Please adopt her immediately. You won’t regret it.You can find her adoption information here! Go get her! About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.

meet queen

post by leslie

Queen here is a beauty, isn’t she? Her coloring is just magnificent. She is 4 years old and is a total sweetheart who really wants to cover your face in kisses, but she is very strong, so be ready! She is fostering in a house with older kids and another dog, but she is particular about dogs, so she might be better as the only pup (or she would need a few playdates with a potential brother/sister first to make sure they are compatible). Queen is well trained and knows her sit/stays etc. And while she loves her exercise and her chew toys, she’s also happy lounging on the couch and watching Animal Planet (aren’t we all). For information on adopting this happy, sweet girl, go here. About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.Also! See those cute bandanas up there? They were donated by the wonderful Lucy & Co, a local dog accessories company that I adore. For every bandana bought before the end of today, they’ll donate one to a rescue dog to help get them adopted! Yay for companies with big hearts! Go buy a bandana!

bobby needs your love

post by leslie

Are you a bleeding-heart dog lover? Have I got the animal for you!This is Bobby. He is as lover and he is deaf and almost/mostly blind. He was found as a stray at a dumpsite in Puerto Rico, and he is covered in scars and may have bullet fragments in his hind quarters. And all he wants to do is snuggle with you and play with his dog toys. Don't you want to provide that life for him?Upon hearing about his vision and hearing problems, I was a little nervous about how to get photos of Bobby, but it wasn’t an issue at all (food is the answer, in case you are wondering). Bobby loves going on walks, and he's perfectly crate trained. The rescue believes Bobby is a lab-sharpei mix. He’s around seven years old. He loves, loves, loves children and he does great with other dogs as well. You should bring him home immediately. To do that, visit his adoption page here. About this projectFor the next month, I’ll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts — some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn’t it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.Also! See those cute bandanas up there? They were donated by the wonderful Lucy & Co, a local dog accessories company that I adore. For every bandana bought between now and May 6, they’ll donate one to a rescue dog to help get them adopted! Yay for companies with big hearts!

meet dixy

post by leslie

Update: These photos of Dixy were taken on April 20 and posted to her adoption page almost immediately. I was thrilled to learn yesterday late afternoon that this sweet girl has been adopted! That said, I'm still running her story because, as we know from my own experience adopting Magda (who was returned 4 times to her rescue group), sometimes things don't work out and a dog is brought back. So if you read this and think Dixy is your soul mate of a dog, you should still reach out to the rescue. And yay for dogs getting adopted!This is Dixy, and it is a near miracle that I didn't bring this girl home to join our family immediately. Why not, you ask? I need to be honest here and tell you that Magda is a thousand percent better dog as an only dog. I don't know if it's a fight for attention or what, but her behavior improved a gazillion times when Merlin died, and we're not messing with the great dog that she has become.But since I can't bring Dixy home, YOU SHOULD. I mean, really, look at those eyes! And that forehead! She just wants to crawl in your lap and keep you company while you watch Netflix!Dixy is so sweet and gentle, but not timid. She is 4 years old, and she would make an amazing shop dog due to her extremely mellow nature. Also? She would be so fun to bring to the office each day. Dixy loves other dogs and kids, but the fosters don’t know how she is around cats. She’s great on a leash and loves walks. She smart as a whip and is super snuggly. Also? She’s not a barker. She would be a wonderful dog for a first-time dog owner as she’s already trained and frankly, perfect in every aspect. This dog is so gentle and amazing. Please go get her right now and welcome her into your family. You won’t regret it! You can do just that (or get more info) here.Also?  Look at that spotted tongue! Ha!About this projectFor the next month, I'll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts -- some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn't it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.Also! See those cute bandanas up there? They were donated by the wonderful Lucy & Co, a local dog accessories company that I adore. For every bandana bought between now and May 6, they'll donate one to a rescue dog to help get them adopted! Yay for companies with big hearts!

a puppy!

post by leslie

So, you think you want a puppy? Look at this cutie! His name is Moon, and he's 5 mos. old and he's the last of his litter waiting to be adopted.He is a super fast learner and he a pure delight. Just be careful because if you get down on the floor, he loves to lick your eyeglasses and your camera lens... probably because he's a puppy, and everything in life is a fun, hilarious game right now. But who doesn't need such pure joy in their house? I also hear he's crate trained and once he calms down, he loves to snuggle.If you'd like to bring this cutie home, you can read more about him and reach out to his foster parents here.About this projectFor the next month, I'll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts -- some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn't it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.Also! See those cute bandanas up there? They were donated by the wonderful Lucy & Co, a local dog accessories company that I adore. For every bandana bought between now and May 6, they'll donate one to a rescue dog to help get them adopted! Yay for companies with big hearts!

meet nyla

post by leslie

Is your heart melting? Because mine is.This is Nyla, and she is super loving and affectionate (and smart! wow is she smart!). She is just about 2 years old, and she's a hound / pit bull mix. She's extremely food motivated, which means you can probably train her to do anything. And you know what she's already been trained to do? Run alongside a bike. So that might be fun!Nyla is also fantastic with kids! The one thing you should know about this dog however, is that she has a strong prey drive. So she shouldn't go to a house with maybe rabbits or kittens or small animals like that.She's about 50 lbs, which is a perfect size (smaller than my dear Magda!). I will also take this moment to point out how great it is to adopt a 2-year-old dog. Sure, you miss the cute puppy phase, but that means she comes potty trained! Trust me when I tell you that is a feature not to be messed with!If you'd like more information on how to bring this sweet lady home, you can read more about her (and watch a video of her running with a biker!) over here. And below are more adorable photos! About this projectFor the next month, I'll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts -- some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn't it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so. To see all the dogs featured so far, look here.Also! See those cute bandanas up there? They were donated by the wonderful Lucy & Co, a local dog accessories company that I adore. For every bandana bought between now and May 6, they'll donate one to a rescue dog to help get them adopted! Yay for companies with big hearts! 

Welcome to my pet project. ha.

post by leslie

As I mentioned yesterday, May is the month I'm launching my personal project, Adopt a Stray in May. And guess what? Today it's May!For the next month, I'll feature photos on my blog, my instagram and my facebook feeds that focus on dogs who need homes. These are dogs currently in foster homes, waiting for their forever family. They are amazing pups who will melt your hearts -- some are hard to adopt because they are pit bull mixes (the sweetest dogs ever who cannot help their strength) or they have lived on the streets for a long time and are covered in scars or they might be blind or deaf (or both). Some are simply hard to get adopted because they are black, which is the dumbest reason ever. But each dog that has come into my studio in the last few weeks for photos has had a warm heart and wanted nothing more than love. Wouldn't it be great if one of you could provide that? I hope so.So without further ado, here is our first dog, Betsy.Is this dog gorgeous or what?!? I love these beautiful hound dogs! Betsy is two, and she has the energy you would expect (she needs her exercise, but that doesn’t mean she’s overly hyper or nutso). She came from Kentucky and she loves being a couch potato. She is simply mellow and adorable.But I must also say that this girl is a little bit stubborn, I am not gonna lie. However, it's a little endearing as she's not rude about it or anything, she simply lets you know what she wants in a gentle and sweet way. For instance, we had to take photos on the couch because this sweetheart would not move (can’t blame her), so if you want to adopt this gorgeous lady into your home, you should probably be ok with dogs on the furniture. She loves to snuggle and will cover you in kisses. She's great with children, and she’d be an amazing partner for evening strolls in the summer time.For more information and to adopt this sweet girl, go here.More photos of this sweetheart below. Enjoy! Also! See those cute bandanas up there? They were donated by the wonderful Lucy & Co, a local dog accessories company that I adore. For every bandana bought between now and May 6, they'll donate one to a rescue dog to help get them adopted! Yay for companies with big hearts!