little brother


06wWhen one of your very best friends is in town for a quick work trip, but brings her new little boy that you've never met before, and she stops by your house on her way from the airport to her mom's house? You take 10 minutes of that short visit and force them into the photo studio. It's just what you do. Or what I do, anyway.Isn't he adorable?For your internet shares of the day:This would make world-wide travel even more amazing. Imagine never needing to learn a foreign language! I mean, I think it's a great skill to have. But when we went to Hungary a few years back? Um, we'll just say that our feeble attempts to learn that language failed. Holy cow, I don't even know how they invented this, but it might be my favorite invention EVER. Well, after the iPhone.I loved this story about how Robin Wright can be just as bad ass as Claire Underwood.