My neighborhood just keeps getting better
I think you all know how much I love living in Minneapolis. And how much I love my neighborhood. And how much I love walking around my neighborhood to support local businesses.Well you guys? It all just got so much better!Now, I'm not meaning to insult any of the other local bakeries etc in the 'hood, but the coffee in my neighborhood? It sucked. We had a mediocre bakery and a less-than-mediocre coffee shop here... until yesterday. That was when Rose Street Patisserie finally opened it's doors (I literally have been walking by this place every day for the last 7 weeks waiting for the doors to open!).First off, just look at those pastries. The place is owned by Patisserie 46, one of my very favorite bakeries in town. Just amazing. And not only do the treats taste phenomenal, but just look at them!And then... then! They are serving Intelligentsia coffee! Be still my heart!In other words, Shuttersmack HQ might have a new satellite office, and I might put on 30 pounds this week.
For your internet shares of the day:I loved this read on packing for vacations. Mostly because daydreaming about travel is my no. 1 hobby.The most beautiful way to fly. If you are a gazillionaire.And lastly, Mick Jagger makes me laugh. Happy Friday, y'all!