spring sunset


Apparently, we're getting back to that time of year where I can't keep away from the lakes. I didn't even think about the fact that Friday's post was also of Lake Harriet. Whoops!This weekend was GLORIOUS. We spent so much time outside soaking in the sunshine. We ate almost every meal outside, we had picnics, park visits, time at the playground and bike rides. Not to mention the birthday party with a piñata, stilts, ice cream, cake and Ezra's favorite slide. That kid parties HARD.The above snapshot of sunset was one I nabbed near the end of a portrait session this weekend. Something about the smoothness of the water and how it catches the sun just makes me so happy!But besides time outside, we also took Ezra to First Avenue for the kids Prince dance party. I'll share some of those images tomorrow.For your internet shares today, how about:+ The next book I want to read.+ Coachella fashion is so fun and hilarious at the same time.+ President Obama takes his vacation photos with an iPad. Maybe the most horrible thing you'll hear me say about the man.