morning at the lake
The weather today in Minneapolis is GORGEOUS. Sixty degrees and sunny is the perfect spring day, and I started it by leashing up the dog, plugging into my latest audio book (so, so good) and walking down to the lake.It was covered in ducks and coots this morning, and the breeze was crisp and this fresh air was exactly what I needed to start the day. I used to do this walk daily with the girl, but winter and life and work have been in the way lately and I'm slowly getting back to it. And man, is it a welcome habit.
For your internet shares today, I loved these two pieces from the New York Times. The first is about the need and benefit of great child care (something I was completely unaware of before Ezra). The second article is titled "My Daughter is a Tomboy," and it is something I think about a lot as a girl who wore nothing but clothing from the JCPenney boys department paired with cowboy boots and insisted people called me Lester when I was young.