Snow day


Post by Leslie

Yesterday was a snow day in Minneapolis, which was weird. Why, you ask? Because it didn't start snowing until 3 pm, but they declared it a snow day at 9 pm the night before. They might have been jumping the gun a bit, eh?But by 4 pm, this is what it looked like in our front yard. Ezra's buddy Elliot came over to play, and the boys had a blast "shoveling" the front yard. Shortly after snapping this image, I talked them into coming inside and warming up by the fire (or rather, ME warming up by the fire while they played with toys in the basement).It continued to snow last night, but thankfully we got less than 6 inches and everyone is back at school today.For your internet shares of the day:+ Do I need another dog? Probably not.  But YOU might! And isn't he adorable??+ This book review is amazing.+ Crap. Now it looks like I want to go to New Zealand.