those curls though


Post by Leslie

Wednesdays are pretty busy around these parts. I've got piano, Ezra's got swimming and today I had a shoot in the morning and lunch with a friend. Not to mention the emails and meetings! But I started the day off with that adorable boy up there, who is 18 mos. old right now.Those curls on the back of his head! Aren't they adorable! I was so happy to capture those and his sweet shoulder blades.For your internet shares of the day:+  So I was also on the phone today with my government representatives discussing my displeasure about ALL of these republican bills. Getting rid of the EPA. GIVE ME A BREAK, PEOPLE. Trump's national portrait should just be this.+ Why getting your news from a newspaper instead of the internet or television is better.+ Those two links are pretty heavy, so here are some pretty pictures.