the caretaker

post by leslie

Hello, and thank you for your patience between postings! I had a commercial shoot that took up most of my time last week and yesterday, and only today did I feel like I could take a moment to catch you up on my world.First off, I woke up this morning with a horrendous headache. I've had a few of these lately, but it's not too surprising as my sinuses are deeply affected by weather change, and things are just about to get a whole lot colder in Minnesota (or back to normal, I suppose). Regardless, they can be immobilizing.Anyway, I woke up with this blinding headache that had me nauseous and craving the dark and quiet. The boys left for work/school and I stayed in bed a bit longer with my Magda who always seems to know when I'm in a bad place. She quietly snuggled with me as I attempted to recuperate and prepare for a day in front of the computer, and she was patient when I picked up the camera (good girl).I thought she would make perfect blog fodder as I haven't featured her much lately. You can see the whitening of her face due to age, but you should also know that the white on top of her nose is due to the yogurt containers she gets the final clean on each morning after breakfast. We've started calling her Chobani as a nickname due to the permanence of these speckles on her nose. Isn't dog ownership just about the best? Obviously, I think so.For your internet shares of the day:+ Beautiful murmurations of birds.+ Something sad. Hug those you love.+ I love, love, love these portraits.