
post by leslie

Welp, remember that migraine I had? Who knew it was the start to this sickness that has knocked me out all week. I've been couch-bound with a fever since Tuesday evening, meaning I rescheduled all of my shoots, meaning I don't have much fresh material to show you all. The good news is that all of my clients are so amazingly understanding, and rescheduling was a breeze.But despite no new photos, between naps I have been busy with several wedding contracts, which gave me an idea for a blog post.Couples often tell me that they don't really want me there for the "getting ready" bit, and to just show up right before the ceremony. I always push back on this because, honestly, the getting ready part is my very favorite.These are the moments when we capture the anticipation of the day, the details such as rings, invitations, flowers, shoes etc, and those special moments like when a father sees his daughter as a bride for the first time.I can tell you 100% that I don't remember a thing about my shoes on my wedding day. What was my something blue? No idea. Who zipped me into my dress? Probably my mom, but I honestly don't remember. And that's because my photographer showed up at the wedding, and not before. I wish I had these photos of my own day, and it's part of why I insist on it for my clients.So I pulled together a few of my favorite shots from the "getting ready" portion of the day to share with you all. I hope you, too, can see why I love these moments. It's like the quiet before the storm.