monday with merlin // my sweet boy


1006merlinsmOh man, today was kinda rough. Well, actually, it was last night that was rough.Ezra woke us up to feed, and about 40 minutes after that, Merlin began having serious, um, we'll call it "intestinal distress" in the bedroom. Rugs were taken outside, fans were turned on to circulate air, and then right as we were heading back to bed... Ezra needed feeding again. And then we got him settled in and... Merlin needed to go outside STAT. And then we came back in and ... Ezra needed changing... and feeding... and oh hey, he vomited all over me. And then? Then Merlin needed back outside immediately. Are you understanding the evening? Because you guys I am ZONKED.Luckily, through all that Jamie was able to get a *little bit* of sleep since he had a presentation with his company's CEO today. I made it through the day because Ezra is pretty dang easy, and sweet, sad Merlin got to spend most of the day outside while his intestines tried to work things out. Poor guy.We are hoping this is just a bug. Because that guy up there? In his condition if it's anything more serious, then we are going to have to start having large, tear-inducing discussions around our household. And a household lacking a collie is not one I think I'm ready to face just yet. But at the same time, I want this lover to die with the same grace that he showed throughout his life.So yeah. Today has been hard. We'll be taking samples to the vet tomorrow and seeing doctors later this week. Keep your fingers crossed for us.