

1008brotherssmToday was big. Today, I left the house with the baby BY MYSELF. Today, in fact, was the first time I've left the house without Jamie or my parents since September 13. So as you can tell, I finally feel like I'm on the mend. And? I'm finally off all of my prescription medications! This is a really big milestone, I tell you.And you guys? Jamie's birthday is coming up and this girl needed to run some Top Secret errands! Without the man! But luckily, I worked it out so that I could *walk* everywhere I needed to go so that I could a) get some much-needed exercise and b) get some much needed time outside in this glorious weather. I know I've said it before and I'll say it again: Living in a place where you can walk to get errands done is freaking awesome. Sigh. I love Minneapolis.And then! THEN! I returned home with Ezra from our errand and I had more energy left! So I grabbed the collie so he could get a little walk in. Doesn't he look happy? He loooooves that little baby brother of his, and he was pleased as punch to get out and about a bit today.And speaking of the boy... he's feeling a little bit better. Not a lot better, but we will take any and all improvements that we can get. There has been no more messes in the house (knock on wood) and his appetite is huge, so we're just happy with that right now. And as you can see, his spirits are a bit better as well. So thank you so, so much for all warm wishes you've been sending the dear boy! It seems to be working :)Also, I know I've been slacking on my internet shares of the day. I could spend 30 minutes trolling online to find one for you guys, but I think I'm gonna go nap instead. Forgive me! But I want to keep this healing thing going!