a bit disjointed


1113helpwOh yeah. This captures the feel of my weekend well.No, your computer screen is not broken. This is one of many photos I took that ended up being corrupt resulting in file loss. Not the best thing when you're photographing sixteen children, eighteen adults and three dogs. Luckily, I figured out the problem (I think), and the files were all saved (after much stress and computer work).But, you know, this isn't the only stress right now. If only.+ In case you are hearing more about the alt-right lately, and are wondering what they are, I've been researching like mad and this is a pretty good summary. And yes. It's terrifying.+ And why would you be hearing about the alt-right? Because Stephen Bannon has been promoted to Chief Strategist to Trump's campaign. Previously, he was in charge of Breitbart.com, a site that publishes stories like: "Birth control makes women unattractive and crazy." So yeah.+ And this article about First Amendment Rights is terrifying and important.+ But I cannot end on that depressing note. So here is something to make you laugh.