One more from the north shore


1115lightwJust one more sunrise for you.I know it's all getting a bit repetitive -- my time on the North Shore. But I just can't photograph my mood around the house yet. Each time I think I'm getting over this election and taking a breath and I'm ready to move on, I see a little more malarky that brings me back down again. I promise my normal positive attitude will return eventually, but I'm not there yet, so here we are with another shot of the sunrise.I think the main problem is that I am someone who always prepares for the worst -- then you are ready for whatever the world throws at you. It's how I operate.But I don't know how to prepare right now.I know so many conservatives who voted for Trump believed that his racist/misogynistic/homophobic/bigoted behavior during his campaign would fade once he was elected and that then he would go after the issues that were important to them (some are pro-life, many are fiscally conservative). But what if that's wrong? His appointment of Bannon seems to prove that White Nationalism is still at the forefront of his presidency.I have posted a little information on Bannon before, but here is a roundup from the NY Times that offers no commentary but only quotes what Bannon has said in the past. There are also some articles his website has published in the past, including this piece:

A July 2016 article by Mr. Yiannopoulos argued that women were “screwing up the internet for men by invading every space we have online and ruining it with attention-seeking and a needy, demanding, touchy-feely form of modern feminism.”

So that guy now has the president's ear. Awesome. Please excuse me while I hunt down another "man space" on the internet and troll it with my "touch-feely" modern feminism.Ok, but now I am going to get back to something that I think is a top priority: education about current events and fact-based research. For democracy to work (I accidentally just typed democrazy, and now I might just keep it that way), people need to be informed by the facts. And that just is not happening. I have been on Facebook relentlessly pointing out false articles people are posting and reposting and reposting. People from both sides.You guys! Trump did not say "If I were to run, I'd run as a Republican. They're the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they'd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific." That is false! Stop spreading it around! Use religiously to fact check!Also? I have had to squash these rumors as well: Black Lives Matter protestors did not plan looting sprees, and more importantly, no one from Black Lives Matter has set anyone on fire! I implore you all to do your own research before believing tales like this, and especially before passing them on to others.Lastly, (and most disturbingly), this article being shared around Facebook *is* true. The KKK is planning a victory march to celebrate Trump's presidency.  So let's sleep well tonight, shall we?Now, for my internet share of the day (we'll just run with this theme):+ Facebook employees are working on a system to fact check the "news" that spreads on their site. Hear, hear! Wouldn't this have been awesome BEFORE the election? Mmmm?+ And on a happier note, how about these Vogue photos, eh? Wowza.