a morning with sami

post by leslie

A few weeks back, I spent the morning with that adorable kid up there and his family, and I got to make a short film for them. If you've checked out my family film packages before, you know photos are also included, so I'm featuring a few of my favorites below.This project was really fun on several levels (fantastic parents, beautiful house, stunning wallpaper, family dog, etc etc etc), but it was also such a creative shift from my other projects. One thing I love about film is how it forces me think differently -- it makes me plan my footage around a story, which needs a beginning, middle and end. It pushes me so much more than photography has, and it's so much more difficult! But also that's what makes it fun. I love to keep learning. And I love spending hours finding the music! And for your internet shares of the day!+ What happens when a chef gets sober.+ Life as an only child.+ Photos from inside the Hindenburg!