on the side

photos by leslie

I think I've mentioned here a few times that the last month or two has pretty much been spent photographing portraits of people for their linked in, websites or other online presences. While this work is fine, it's not the kind that lights my soul on fire (unlike babies or pups or families!).But! In a few instances in the last month, the clients have brought along their dogs to work! And I've snuck in photos of them just to keep things interesting.Here are a few of those shots. The dog above was just too silly to ignore. The one below, Milo, smells and behaves exactly like my dear Merlin did, and he makes me so happy and sad at the same time. And at the bottom is sweet Miko, who followed me around yesterday melting my heart. I am so happy we live in a time when dogs are welcome in the workplace! I won't be blogging tomorrow as I'll be traveling (!!!), but here are some internet shares to tide you over in case this Cohen testimony isn't doing the job.+ This genius photoshopped celebrities with their younger selves and it's mesmerizing!+ Kristen Bell has come up with a new diaper line and I just can't stop loving her.+ Never give up on your dreams.+ An old TWA terminal has been turned into a hotel and it's GORGEOUS.+ This film is so beautiful -- skip to the 7:30 mark if needed. I promise it's worth it!+ Great tips on hosting a party in a very small space.No links on the Cohen testimony as we're only 2 hours in, but trust me I'll have some later!