a quick jaunt up north


0915superiorsmWhat a fun day!This time last year, I was rounding off day two of my labor with Ezra (sixty hours, remember?). To say I have a little PTSD about childbirth might be an understatement. Don't worry! I'm not going to get into details!But I did decide to give myself a few days off this week to commemorate a few things:First, that crazy-ass week in the hospital. Thank GOD I'm not doing that right now.Second, I survived (supposedly, according to many of you other parents) the hardest year of parenthood! And yeah -- I totally just jinxed myself.Third, I have a pretty fun kid (which is why tomorrow I'm letting him skip daycare and we're spending the day playing hooky together).Anyway, today (my first "day off"), I drove up to the North Shore with Nyberg. We had an *amazing* lunch at The Scenic View Cafe (one of my favorites) that started off with figs cooked in brown butter maple sauce, sprinkled with roasted walnuts and served with crusty bread and bleu cheese. YEAH.Then we headed to my favorite "beach" on Superior where we soaked in the serenity of the lake (as seen above). And then we sped back home so I could feed Ezra and put him to bed before heading to the arena to photograph the Ed Sheeran concert. See? I'll shoot any concert I can if my schedule allows. Even Ed Sheeran :)Obviously, I wasn't online much today, but here are links to the Sheeran show tonight, and I also shot the Desaparecidos show on Sunday, if you'd like to see that one.