monday at the madhouse // fifty one weeks. ahem.
What a weekend! We pretty much just prepped for a very small brunch to celebrate Ezra's first year. His birthday isn't until later this week, but we wanted a few of the people who have truly helped us to survive this first year (clothes! babysitting! advice! baby gear galore!) to celebrate with us.Ezra took a two hour nap that morning (!!) making him 20 minutes late to his own party. We didn't mind though as it gave us time to get all the food ready etc, but he was a bit groggy and confused when he woke up and there were a bunch of people, bubbles and balloons in his backyard. So he's a bit... dazed in some of these photos. He livened up after the cake though.Also, I put 51 weeks in the title of this post as a bit of a joke. One thing that drives me bonkers, is when moms refer to their kids in weeks or months after it is wholly ridiculous.This drove me crazy when I didn't have any kids, and I thought maybe once I had one of my own I would understand. Nope. The only thing this does is make me do more math. The other day I was with Jamie and Ezra at a restaurant, and there was a woman nearby with a baby. I asked her how old it was and she told me 26 weeks.No.That child is 6 mos. old. Don't make me do the math. So then Jamie asked me, "So how old was she?" And I snickered, "182 days." Here are my own general guidelines:Age in days: Appropriate up to one week old.Age in weeks: Appropriate up until 10 weeks old.Age in months: Appropriate up until one year old.After that? Let's do full and half years please, people. One time a woman told me her child was 39 months old and I seriously had to take a deep breath and not scream YOUR CHILD IS THREE. SAY IT WITH ME.Again, I bet this bothers me more than you because I hate math. But there it is. Oh, and I should also say that "How far along are you" in pregnancy used to drive me nuts when answered in weeks, but I now understand why that matters and that is totally OK. In case you were wondering my stance on that.But enough of my ranting, and on to the photos. Oh! And there are photos of ME this week! My buddy Jaime (not to be confused with my husband) grabbed my camera and shot some during the party -- which was awesome. Thanks Jaime!
I had to get a shot of him standing on his own this week. It's a bit wobbly, but he's getting better.
Best party cleanup around.
Sign of a good party? When you need two baths afterward.
The bubble machine I got for the party was AWESOME.