amazing people, amazing friends


0827presentssmYou guys, have I told you how great my friends are? I think I have, but I am just BLOWN AWAY by the generosity of people right now.So my buddy London, who has already given me a ton of super amazing baby presents, organized a "virtual book shower" where she asked all my old Strib buddies to gift me their favorite children's books.I brought them all home and, first, was really in awe of the wrapping. Beautiful presents are so fun to open, wouldn't you agree? And look at some of those up there? I especially adore the one that's wrapped in Shuttersmack colors! And there was another one in gorgeous snowflake paper, gifted by a woman who I know for a fact hates winter and snow. I loved that paper as well...And then there were the books! They were so fantastic! I'm going to be reading through them for awhile -- some fabulous classics like Dr. Seuss, some wonderful Caldecott award winners, some great books featuring animals (including a gorilla who escapes from the zoo!), some that teach kids about colors using modern art and then even an amazing one where the artwork is all made with creative typography (be still, my heart!). Seriously, I was blown away by the thoughtfulness and generosity of everyone.For your internet share today, it's more of a Public Service Announcement. For the last year or more, I have known that my iPhone battery was totally and completely whack. It just kept dying at really weird times. I took it to Best Buy (where I purchased the phone and where I had a protection plan) and the guys there kept giving me stupid instructions about restarting or my preferences or other bullshit that I knew was not the case and would not fix it. And let me be clear, I have a VERY LIMITED PATIENCE for tech people who treat ladies like we are morons. One time at the Apple store I asked a question about a product I wanted to buy and the sales person turned to tell Jamie all about it. I am pretty sure actual steam was coming out of my ears. Ok, rant over.My POINT is that this week, Apple ADMITTED there was a big problem with a select few of the iPhones and their batteries were wonky and could be replaced for free. I went to the site, entered my serial number, and VOILA. I KNEW IT WAS ALL MESSED UP.It is taking everything I have not to march into that Best Buy store and shove my phone in that guy's face and tell him he was WRONG. Clearly, I don't hold grudges or anything. Ahem. (We'll try to hide that from the kid... for awhile.)So if you, too, have weird battery problems with your iPhone, go check this out. You might be due a free replacement. And good luck!