an evening with friends


0828dinnersmTonight Miss Meredith and her Man (sounds like a band name, no?) made an amazing dinner for a bunch of us at her place. It was such a fun evening! There were 12 adults and one baby and we had an amazing salad and bread and HOMEMADE MOUSSAKA and then this fantastic dessert made of dried figs with mascarpone cheese and spiced honey... Anyway, it was completely delightful.And I am stuffed.Also today I took a nap during the rain for 1.5 hours that was so amazing that I woke up and didn't know a) where I was (uh, my living room) b) what day it was or c) if it was 4 am or pm (despite the sunshine outside). Seriously, that was some solid sleeping. I'm finding these naps are mandatory since I'm getting about 4-5  hours a sleep at night due to multiple bathroom breaks and general discomfort.Plus I had just spent an hour rewriting a six page contract. That kind of work will knock anybody out, am I right?For your internet share today, I'm sending you to a really neat story about a family and their collie named Bjorn. A woman down the block from me owns a collie (Merlin's Nemesis, in fact), and she sent this to me today and I loved it.But if you're not into sweet collie stories (heathen!), maybe you'll like this story about how Moleskins are going all high tech!