early morning with evelyn


How adorable is this baby girl!? And such a morning kid! I showed up at her house a touch before 7 am today and then photographed her wake-up routine with Mom, which was really sweet and fun. I rarely do shoots that early, but it was a super peaceful way to start the day.Other than that, we had a picnic at the park (with the dogs) and then a cookout tonight with friends and then a nice bike ride home. Can you tell that the heat has broken? How much more could I have gotten out today? But man, I am a happy camper in this 70-80 degree weather. Finally it's like I live in Minnesota again (not Florida).Before logging off, I wanted to say a few quick words about MemphisI have been BLOWN AWAY by everyone's kind words about my pup. I seem to forget how many people read this blog, and I keep running into clients, acquaintances and friends who I haven't seen in awhile, and the first words out of their mouths are: "How's Memphis? I'm so sorry to hear about her illness!"It just amazes me and warms my heart to know that while many of you have been bombarded by her jumping and slobbering at your arrival to my home when she was a puppy (or 8 years old... whatever), that you see how sweet she is and how much she means to me and how tough this past month has been. In answer to your questions, I'm learning that it depends on the day. This last week she was fantastic, but today was a little rougher with her eating less and barfing more. We have an appointment with the dog nutritionist next week (yes, we are Those People. Go ahead and poke fun -- I know how ridiculous that sounds...), and we'll see if changing her diet will help at all. But in the meantime, thank you so much for your sweet words and emails. It means a ton.