back at it!


1104beltsmSo! This weekend I got back to work! And I'm not gonna lie, it felt good.I had a family shoot and some product shots to work on (which you can see a detail of above). The problem isn't really finding the time to take the photos (almost everything can be photographed on a night or weekend). The problem is finding time to process and edit the images. I don't get much quiet time at the computer these days, and hell, just keeping the spelling and grammar errors off the blog is enough work! So for now, I'm taking it slow (until I get some child care in place).But you guys, it was so much fun to be shooting again. It is so interesting how my viewpoint on maternity leave has changed. When I worked in newspapers I thought should I ever get pregnant I would take six months off because HOLY CRAP would that be nice. But being in a job that is, shall we say, good for the soul? It makes me WANT to get back to work and to get shooting again.Don't get me wrong, I'm not itching to hand off the kid to be raised by others. I still have guilt. But this? This is part of me, and I think it's super important not to lose sight of the things that make you who you are (kid or no kid).Now, for your internet share, look at these BEAUTIFUL quilts. Wait. Go click on it! I have not lost my mind! They are lovely, not what your grandmother's group put together! I am loving that quilts are coming back into fashion because I love the weight and the feel of a quilt in the winter.