monday with magda // cover hog


1103mwmsmI have mentioned before that since we came home with Ezra, we have made sure Magda got her usual time snuggling in bed.What I haven't mentioned is how her time in bed has changed. For some reason, she now prefers to sleep under the covers. And unlike this photo, she likes to sleep 100% under the covers. Preferably down by our feet. How she breathes is a mystery to me, but I will admit that our feet remain toasty on cold nights -- which is a perk.This weekend, after being up for an hour or so and then wandering into the bedroom to find my slippers, I spied this. It looks like she finally broke for air, but still stayed mostly covered. I thought you would enjoy it.Truly, so many people have asked how she is doing with Ezra around, and I'm here to tell you that, amazingly, she is fantastic. She has turned into such an wonderful dog, and when I think back to those other families who returned her as a puppy, I am just reminded that all anyone needs is love and support and consistency to turn things around. And training. There has been a LOT of training. But it all worked out, and I'm so glad we didn't give up on her.For your internet share of the day, check out the personalized stationary of these celebrities... from back when stationery and snail mail was a thing. (By the way, it will always remain "a thing" for this girl who cannot get enough of her paper products...)