back into the woods
It snowed again yesterday (and today), so I headed to my nearest woods to search for deer. Sadly, they were all hiding, and instead I was left with an hour hike through gorgeous nature looking at animal tracks and enjoying the scenery. In other words, life was good.Lucy joined up with me (fellow winter nature lovers unite!) and she brought her *amazing* big-ass lens (yes, that's the technical name for it), while I just shot wider nature scenes. You can see her amazing images from the walk over here.Today we were both back together again scheming and creating portfolio pieces in the studio. I'll share more with you later, but you should know that studio shots of "real life" take FOREVER and we busted our ass all day long and I have zero internet shares to show you because of it. Oh! Except for this.
I believe there may have been some jokes about the President Elect and that lens. That is all.