morning light
This morning I was running around the house tidying up, when I stopped to notice the light coming into Ezra's room and filtering through the snow globe I got for
me him for Christmas*. Isn't it lovely? It's from Target. I got it for him both because who doesn't love snow globes, and also because it's a music box, and Ezra loves being able to turn on any kind of music.I love how this light shows the age of the window glass that it's filtering through, and I love the light shining through the globe, but I especially like the little "waves" of light to the right of it. I have no idea what caused those, but I adore them.I don't know how you all are doing this year so far, but I'm having a bit of a tough time. Normally, I start new years fully inspired and excited for what's to come, but I'm just not there yet this year. I'm pulling out all my old tricks (reading business books, cleaning up and organizing my work space, looking at inspiring work), and I'll be sure to let you know when it all kicks back in. But for now, I just want to hide under the covers and read/watch any sort of fiction that might transport me to another place.***I didn't have my camera on me at the time, so this image was shot with my iPhone.** While I am WANTING to hide away for the next four years and I'd love for this all to go away and pretend I'm somewhere else, I know this is not the responsible thing to do. I know I need to watch the press conferences and stay in touch with the news. I know pretending like horrible things aren't really happening helps no one (and in fact only helps the evil masterminds at hand). So don't worry. I'm keeping informed and trying to think of how to help. Which is probably why I desperately would rather be hiding under a rock.Internet shares:+ Speaking of staying informed, here is a fact check on Trump's first press conference.+ I am contemplating this camera bag. I now have four camera bags. And I'm thinking about another one. Someone send help.+ But if retail therapy isn't your thing, here's how we can all eat our feelings instead.