basement remodel // part deux // the photo studio
So how about I show you guys some more of my basement remodel, eh? This is the photo studio, and this room was pretty much just cosmetic changes. We put in the new floor, ripped out the drop ceiling (and painted it), added the closet you see up there (along the wall) to store stands and lights etc, and added a desk and some shelves. My favorite part might be the open, unfinished ceiling both because I love the way it looks and because it's the perfect storage spot for rolls of studio paper.
I also love this beam on the right. It's holding the entire house up, so it had to stay (obviously). The light coming in through the doors is from my bright and sunny laundry room that I'll show you later.
Something else I love about this space is that I have three rolls of seamless paper hanging at once! Putting hooks on the wall so I could stop the backdrop-stand usage was a fantastic move.
In the back is a long table for props or a laptop or whatever. Just a nice workspace. Instead of buying a table, I bought a butcher block countertop from Ikea and mounted it to the wall (along with a table leg from Ikea that cost like $4). And the door back there leads to our furnace room (and a bit more storage for more chairs, step ladders etc).
And here are a few of the fun props I have on hand! You guys, having this studio at my disposal is gonna be awesome. You should book a session with me. We will have so much fun!For your internet share of the day, first I want to show you the outtakes from my shoot with Magda earlier this week. Getting a dog to wear glasses is hard! Second, I'm gonna send you to a blog post by @CheyCab, one of my favorite twitterers. She's a young, female cab driver in the city and she is always on an adventure. Her first post involves a duffle bag of cash!