cloud borings


0501cloudsmTonight we met up with friends at the Turf Club (one of my very favorite venues in town) to catch Cloud Nothings. These guys were so dang boring! Their music is full of energy (as was their crowd) but they just stood on stage, not moving, not giving the audience a speck of banter, no shenanigans, no smiles, no nothing. I am a big believer that as a musician an effort to *perform* is just as important as simply playing your  music. Luckily, some of my very favorite friends were at the show and I had a blast just catching up and seeing everyone out.Also, I scored free tickets to the show through the college radio station, so I was happy to be there for free :) Had we paid $30 for the show, this would be a longer rant.Now, onto today's internet share of the day. You guys? I love this. It is awesome. It is a hamster wolfing down burritos. It makes everything better. Also? Somebody get that poor rodent some water!