before and ... in the middle


0529bedroomsmI know how you guys like my remodeling photos, so I thought I'd show you the progress on the guest bedroom today. This is the final room in the house that we have not touched (we've even improved the garage!). It's the last space that is exactly how the previous owners left it, and man is it crazy to think of all the work we've done.This blue carpet in that before photo up there? That's the carpet that was THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE when we moved in. The first night after we closed, we came over here in the dark and worked to tear it all out. And as soon as it was gone, the house felt like it belonged to us and not some strange grandparents.We left the carpet in the guest room because we thought we might want one of the bedrooms to have carpeting some day, and we weren't ready to decide on that. Hooo boy, was it good to get it out of there this week.Jamie also repainted the room, but he's saving the woodwork painting for after the floors are redone as we know the floor sander might bump/mess up any baseboard paint. We'll also add in some quarter round along the bottom there. Once that's done? It's furnishings and rugs etc etc. The fun part!We also need to have at least one of the windows re-calked / restored as it's very drafty. So if any of you know someone who does that kind of work, please let us know! The rest of the windows in the house are in good shape, and I don't want one or two new ones that don't match (just typing that sentence makes my eye twitch).I'll be sure to post more photos when we're done. And I know I still owe you basement photos! It's my own furnishing etc that's dragging as I'm bargain hunting  for the best deals. Please be patient  with me!For your internet share today, how about this new romantic comedy where Harry Potter falls in love? I cannot wait to see it!