meanwhile, back at five watt...


0530HendrickssmAbsolutely delicious, that's what that is up there. That's "The Hendrick's" that you can get over at Five Watt coffee, ladies and gentlemen. And while it took a bit of time for me to work up the nerve to order something so unusual, HOLY COW was it amazing and refreshing. Just trust me. Seriously.Also! Today was the opening over at Bogart's Doughnuts, and they cracked their doors open at 6:30 am. And they were plum sold out of doughnuts by 9 am! Amazing! So I guess if I want that treat again, I'll have to get there early (even more glad I barged on in on Wednesday!).I have a few internet shares today! First, here's something I dream of lounging around the house in while eating bon bons.Second, I thought the advice from the first two ladies here was especially good and I will be referring to it often.And third, I think our society might be a touch too disposable. These photos are beautiful, but made me sad.