busy at work


0205worksapcesmBusy busy days around these parts! I have seven shoots scheduled for the next five days, so today was super busy processing and wrapping up the shoots I had last week. Whew! In other words, this has been my view all day.Interesting side note about my desk: That photo propped up agains the books on the right? That was taken of Jamie and I in about 1996 or early 1997. And my headphones? I've been listening mostly to Run the Jewels and Panda Bear today. Thug rap and indie pop -- what can I say, I like variety.The Ezra cards on the right? They say, "The bun's outta the oven, so it's time to hustle." I've been sending those out to clients to remind them that my maternity leave officially ends in a week and a half, and I'm ready to get busy again. So far, it seems to be doing the trick...No internet share today as it's been all work and no play, but I'll try to make up for it later!