

0206lindseysmLast night I shot an engagement party for these two over at The Local in downtown Minneapolis. It was a fantastic group who made super fun photos, and it was a really nice time. Sometimes heading into a "party" shoot, you  have no idea what sort of family dynamics await and how it will be, but this was a genuine, fun group.This shoot also brought back some great memories for me. Ages ago, back when we went to Spain, we returned late at night from our overseas flight and I was sick. Really sick. I caught some sort of cold/plague in Spain and it was hitting me hard upon arrival into Minneapolis. But. But! It was my buddy Julie's last night in town before moving to Texas with her fiance, and they were having their engagement party in the exact same spot.I think we literally stayed for 10 minutes. I hugged them and promptly told them to wash their hands, then I left and probably stayed in bed for a week.For your internet share of the day, how about distributing your portfolio on actual thumb drives. No, seriously. Click that link.