Holy moly! Every day around here is a new adventure! Some days it's sunny, all the snow has melted and we're taking evening walks. The next day? This. So much pretty snow! The best thing about this snow? It should melt tomorrow, so there's no need to shovel!I ran outside and shot a ton of photos in today's snow, but my favorite image was this one taken from our driveway. It's not the composition or anything, but rather that the snowfall was heaviest at this point, and I love seeing this many flakes in one frame.For your internet share of the day:I aspire to this. Especially the hair.And this 11-year-old is wowing me.And I made this for dinner last night and totally knocked my husband's socks off and you should make it, too.And by the way? Now the sun is out. Spring! Crazy!
On Valentine's Day, we had a few small flurries. And it was really, really, really cold outside -- which makes great conditions for taking photos of snowflakes! Something about how they don't melt when they land. However, they were still super teeny tiny, so even with my macro lens, they look itty bitty. But I love seeing the shape of them all and how they do vary. Plus? They really *do* look like the paper flakes we made with scissors as a kid!Anyway, these images need a bit more studying than usual, but I hope you enjoy them.
For your internet share of the day, I have a few.First, I wish the olympians enjoyed their routines as much as this UCLA student -- this is so much fun to watch! (And it's awesome to see such a great gymnast with a more "normal" body type.)I also think this is a fascinating site where you can buy books read by celebrities. Not, like, audio books. But the actual hard copies of books that they read (and marked up and dog eared and noted). Plus it's just fun to see what they're reading!And this article about how romance evolves after 10 years of marriage really sucked me in.One of the most "romantic" moments Jamie and I had this year was on a trip to Wichita. Jamie was still asleep in the bedroom (we were staying in a suite hotel with a living room / bedroom setup) and I was changing Ezra's diaper in the living room. It was a monumental diaper with a LOT of ... material... to deal with. But Ezra had just started this phase where he did NOT want to have his drawers changed, and when I lifted his legs to clean him, he straightened his entire body and pushed himself off the couch where I was changing him. This left me holding him upside down by his ankles with feces all over him and no free hand to fix the situation.I began screaming for Jamie to come and help me. "Help! Help! Jamie! I need your help!"He comes *running* out into the living room thinking, I don't know, there was a life-or-death emergency or something due to the anxiety in my voice. Instead he finds me holding Ezra upside down (who is swinging back and forth screaming at this point) and poop everywhere. We both began laughing hysterically. Needless to say, we got him all cleaned up and had a hilarious time doing so.And yes, that counts as romance. Someone you can count on for help with anything, even a poopy, flailing kid. (Don't worry, there's plenty of the old-fashioned romance with us as well, but the story above is the kind of "romance" we need from each other most these days).
Well hello there fine sir. An 8-point buck! In Minneapolis! Just a few miles from my home! Say what!?This morning my buddy Meredith picked me up so we could head over to Ft. Snelling and snowshoe around the woods. When we arrived, I practically skipped into the office I was so excited to try this out, only to have the sweet park ranger explain that she would happily rent me snow shoes, but that I wouldn't need them as we don't have enough snow. Booo! But thank you for saving me the money.So we parked our car and hiked into the woods. And soon found we were completely surrounded by deer. Like, tons of them. Probably 20 or so at one point. It was crazy and wonderful and magical and amazing.And one of these nutjobs even walked right up to us! Like, within touching distance! I think she wanted food. Instead I took her photo.I pondered these in color, but I am just loving the black and white too much lately. I hope you enjoy!
For your internet shares of the day:This cauliflower fried rice sounds awesome to me.I never new this was why chopsticks were designed this way and now feel stupid.These are some damn fine romantic movies if you're looking for a good way to "Netflix and Chill" on Valentine's Day. Roman Holiday is one of my VERY favorites.
Just a few snaps from my time up north on the shore of Lake Superior. Since it took us about 4 hours to drive up there and back (longer than usual due to traffic etc), the light was not ideal for color images, but I do kinda like the crispness of the shadows since the sun was so high. Also, some of the shadows were really nice as well.
For your internet share of the day, how about a video on the very last audio cassette factory in the U.S.? Fascinating.
Holy cow am I glad I'm working on this winter project! I am having a BLAST!This morning, right after the boys left for work/school, I threw on a coat and jeans and headed down to Lake Harriet. I knew the lake was (finally) frozen -- and actually there was still one area of open water! -- and I knew it was supposed to snow tomorrow and we are in this really amazing window right now where you can see the clear ice on the lake because of the lack of snow. And you can walk on it. (!!!)First, you should know that I have a few basic fears. They include 1. Ax Murderers 2. Heights and 3. Falling through ice.So I was a touch nervous stepping out onto the lake when nobody else was out there, but I could see other's tracks, so I gave it a go. And I'm so glad I did! (Also, mad props to my amazing husband for gifting me some YakTrax this year so that I didn't fall on my duff.)One of my favorite parts about winter lake ice is the texture of it. Some areas are smooth as glass, others chopped up by ice skates, others marked by creature tracks, and like the photo above, the ice sometimes freezes in "waves" or mounds. And sometimes you can see the bubbles frozen below! I love it all. I hope you do, as well.
And finally, for your internet share of the day, I really enjoyed this piece about being a music fan as a woman. I could relate SO much -- I cannot tell you how often dudes at shows quiz me on my favorite songs or albums by bands.But on a lighter note, are you vowing to exercise more in 2016? I found these bad-ass exercise clothes that I'm coveting. Now... to win the lottery...And lastly, this video on how candy canes are made totally sucked me in. Who knew?
It snowed a few inches yesterday, and it finally looks like winter around these parts! Instead of the dreamy wonderland look of a forest, I thought it would be fun to capture the urban aspect today with this bike abandoned in the snow.I snapped this image on a break while Jamie and I had our first annual Smack Attack planning session. We spent the day batting ideas for 2016's creative goals, financial goals, behind-the-scenes magic etc etc etc. We spent roughly four hours focusing on next year, and I'm pretty excited about all of our plans. It's so easy to get down in the trenches and just to focus on getting the day-to-day work done. It's another thing to figure out how to make more time for inspiration, preparation and to try to push yourself to improve.Wish me luck :)For your internet share of the day, I loved this story about where all the new slang ("on fleek, etc") is coming from and how it spreads. And if you are a music lover in the Twin Cities, I'm pretty dang excited about this opening.
Today, I feel like winter showed up. It's been in the 40s here in Minnesota for the last few weeks, and we have no snow on the ground at the moment. We have seen small flurries, but this is not a typical Minnesota winter.Which is sorta funny. Why, you ask? Because this fall, I was feeling super ... uninspired. While I was fortunate to make all of my financial goals in 2015 (yay!!), I was in a bit of a rut creatively. It happens to the best of us, and I was wracking my brain on what I could do to kick start my creativity and to take photos that I would love to hang in my home (that were not of my son or dog, that is).I realized that some of my favorite photos were of nature and the outdoors, and were mostly black and white. So I've been mulling the idea of starting a personal project for myself -- photos of winter. And then, wouldn't you know it, winter is refusing to show up! Ha! Joke's on me!But today, I was driving home from a presentation at the art museum (what a way to kick-start inspiration!) and I stopped at Lake Calhoun to watch the choppy water for a bit. There is something I love about watching a dark lake in motion as the weather changes -- the texture of it mesmerizes me. So I decided to shoot some photos. And then I noticed the ice buildup on the shore, and I thought, "Well! Let's start this project, shall we!?" And here we are!
I don't really have any idea on how often I'll post images for this project, but I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. I think I'll also put them over in my fine art gallery in case any of you would like to order prints for your own homes.Now, for your internet share of the day! For other creatives who might like some inspiration, I am enjoying this blog done by wedding photographers. I know I shoot weddings, but I don't really consider that my main profession and the articles over there are still very enjoyable, so I hope you like it, too. And if that is too cerebral for you, this made me laugh and I might have to go see the film with a girlfriend. :) Happy weekend!