spring! winter! spring! winter!


0304snowwHoly moly! Every day around here is a new adventure! Some days it's sunny, all the snow has melted and we're taking evening walks. The next day? This. So much pretty snow! The best thing about this snow? It should melt tomorrow, so there's no need to shovel!I ran outside and shot a ton of photos in today's snow, but my favorite image was this one taken from our driveway. It's not the composition or anything, but rather that the snowfall was heaviest at this point, and I love seeing this many flakes in one frame.For your internet share of the day:I aspire to this. Especially the hair.And this 11-year-old is wowing me.And I made this for dinner last night and totally knocked my husband's socks off and you should make it, too.And by the way? Now the sun is out. Spring! Crazy!