death and taxes


0829downtownsmNothing makes you feel more like a grown up than meeting your man downtown to go over a will to cover guardianship of the baby you're gonna deliver in a matter of days. Holy shit, my youth is officially gone.Obviously, making plans in case of an emergency is important, and obviously I'm glad it will be something I don't have to worry about. But... can we just go to a concert and relax a little now? Maybe a movie, too?The rest of the day was spent on client meetings, email (it's amazing how many people reach out to you once they realize that soon you will be unreachable) and then I spent about two hours on the phone teaching my mom how to use her new iPad and Skype. The good news is that we got it done and she got to see me and get a tour of the nursery (I promise those photos will be coming soon! Small furniture snafu!). The bad news was that I didn't really contemplate that I would need to describe verbally over the phone how to "swipe" or where the delete key was on the keyboard (anyone else ever notice it doesn't say "delete" or "del" or "backspace"? Yeah. I never noticed either). But we got it all sorted out, and soon she'll be able to play her FreeCell from the comfort of the living room sofa.Honestly though, I'm not sure which was more impressive, me teaching her these life skills or the killer nap I took afterward.For your internet share of the day, check out these amazing time-lapse photos showing iconic landmarks from dawn until dusk. Soooo pretty!