delicious, sweet lobster


0813lobstersmToday was my monthly lunch with the dear friend Nyberg (thank Goodness!). I hadn't seen this lady in probably more than a month (is that possible?) and I needed the break like nobody's business. Remember all those shoots I had last week? Running all over town? Photographing like crazy? Living the dream? Yeah, well this week I get to color correct and retouch all those images!Now, actually, I might be one of the few photographers that enjoys this part just as much as the shooting (sometimes even more). So I'm not complaining AT ALL about the work, it's just that after a week like last week, it's tough to sit at my desk just working in front of the monitor for ten hours straight. How did I used to do this ALL DAY LONG? Amazing.Anyway! Back to lunch! We went to the Smack Shack for lobster, and man, it was delicious. We sat in the sunshine on the patio and got all caught up. Also? I made a reservation for about 10 days out so when my Mom and Dad come to visit, we can go there for dinner. (You're welcome, Mom!) And yes, my folks are coming back for a visit! There will be delicious food and some walks and time with the pups and some shoe shopping. There will not be discussion of politics.OK, let's get on to the Internet share of the day, shall we? So I think you're all aware of my obsession with well designed screen-printed concert posters? I have honest-to-god contemplated wallpapering the basement in them since I already have that many. Anyway! One of my very favorite concert-poster designers, Jason Munn (who is extraordinary), has come out with a bunch of new posters for the Postal Service tour. Ah, yes. I love the Postal Service as well (was a touch obsessed in 2003...). Anyway! Should you be a fan (or anyone you know), these posters would sure make a fantastic gift, no? I sure think so... (hint, hint)