monday with magda


0812magsHow cute is she? Man, I could just gobble her up sometimes.This week with Magda has been good. She was "accepted" to doggie daycare, which by the way, was an interesting experience. I assumed (yeah, yeah, I know) that her "screening" at the doggie daycare would take like an hour. Nope. I handed them the paperwork and they took her leash and said she'd be ready at five.Wha? Huh? You're gonna take my baby?They then explained that they would spend the day socializing her with the varied dog packs and making sure she fit in before they approved her as a client. Oooookaaaaaay. Well, obviously, they reported that she loved to play with everyone (and in fact, she never stopped playing) and she was welcome back at any time (cha-ching). But! The reason I'm telling you this is that the "screening day" was free. A full day of free doggie daycare? Maybe we should set up screenings all over the city...And in other news, the secret project I've been working on with the dogs will be ready on Thursday, so you'll get to hear all about it then.And for your internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to some fascinating photos of celebrities as teenagers. I mean, what is Angelina Jolie even wearing? And how awesome are her bangs?? Oh, these are the reasons I am in love with the internet.