details, details


0603macrosmI spent today working in my studio on some product shots for a client. I've had loads of people ask me in the past if I do product shots, and in general I try to stay away from them because there's no emotion and they seem like they might be boring. But today I had so much fun! I was totally proven wrong!I think the key is that the items were dropped off for me, and I just blared old Prince in my studio and got to work. I experimented a bunch with the light and art direction, and I felt no pressure because there wasn't a client watching the clock -- which was much more relaxing. Anyway, just one more reminder in life to be open to things that you think won't work out or won't be fun. You might be surprised.Also! I wanted to let you all know that my man landed a really awesome job, and he'll be starting that in about two weeks. So it all worked out and this crazy lady with crazy-lady hormones can now sleep soundly at night. I really appreciate all the kind notes and words and thoughts you guys sent our way, and I wanted you to hear that it all worked out wonderfully.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to this awesome article by my pal Sarah about how to make yourself appear put together even though you are lazy and haven't showered. Because I wouldn't know *anything* about that. Ahem. But some seriously great tips -- I promise!