one of my favorites (magda can wait)


Conor Oberst performs at First Avenue on June 1, 2014. Photo by Leslie Plesser.I'm taking a break from "Monday with Magda" to instead talk about the Conor Oberst / Dawes show I saw last night at First Ave. Magda will be around all week, so I'll just take photos of her later. Promise!I was super lucky to photograph Oberst and gang last night, but I was even more thrilled that not only did he play some of my favorite songs off the new album (love that Double Life), but he also played a few of my favorites from his Bright Eyes years, when he originally captured my attention and made me swoon with those raw lyrics back in the in early 2000s. He's playing again tonight at First Avenue, and stunningly the show is not sold out. If you can, you should jump all over that.Also! I'd like to take this moment to just mention (again) how amazing and wonderful that staff is over at First Ave. Now that it is, um, painfully obvious that there's a parasite being grown inside me, the staff offered me water, wet towels for my neck to keep me cool and even a chair with great sight lines. Some of these kind souls I know personally from years and years of shooting at the club, but a few others I've never laid eyes on before, and they were all super kind and friendly (as always). LOVE THAT CLUB (even more now).For your internet share today, I'm sending you to the new First Aid Kit album. I looooove these folky ladies, and we all know I have a very short patience for folk music (usually). So trust me that this is beautiful stuff, and go have a listen!Also! You can see the rest of my photos from last night's show over here or on MFR, a local music blog that I love who I shot the show for. Enjoy!