Doomtree Blowout IX


13smSo last night was the Doomtree Blowout. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I realize it was yesterday. But it lasted well after midnight, so I'm counting it for today's photo. Plus? Today mostly consisted of ordering holiday gifts on the internet (not very photo worthy) and a WONDERFUL holiday party. And sometimes? Sometimes I don't want to carry my camera out with me. Especially to this party which required a fancy dress, heels and fishnets. That camera bag would have totally ruined my outfit.For more photos of this awesome show, you should visit my gallery.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to this blog post full of awkward name combos after a couple was married. You know, like Anna Wang and John Holder. HAHAHAHA. Yes, I apparently have the maturity of a 9-year-old boy.