so much drool!


1215diggssmHave I mentioned how much I love photographing boxers? They are so expressive! This guy was posing for a big shoot I had today, and the final image is way better than this one because there isn't, um, crew in the background (way to clear the scene, Leslie). But I still wanted you to see Diggs here, so I am choosing to show you this outtake. The drool is BUBBLING. I love it.I got to photograph 10 more dogs today for this big project I'm working on, and it was so much fun. This guy above was the first shoot of the day, and he might have been my favorite...For your internet share of the day... oh guys, are you ready for this? Who knew there was PANCAKE ART?? I certainly didn't. Go check out these reindeer pancakes. I suddenly feel so inadequate.