fall in minnesota


26smLook at that Turkey! I shot this last weekend, but I worked on processing these images all afternoon today, so I thought it was still appropriate. One thing I love about living in Minnesota (among many, many things) is all the wild turkeys we see. The feather shapes and colors are so varied and interesting.I spied this guy when I was on a family shoot out in Bloomington. How many pounds of meat do you think this dude would yield?And speaking of turkeys... now that I am a touch more rested let's talk about how much fun it was to stomp that Duke team last night! Jamie and I (and some fabulous friends) were so fortunate to be able to attend that basketball game in person, and it was so cool to be in the United Center. I grew up as an enormous Michael Jordan fan, and being in the spot where I had witnessed so many Bulls wins on TV was pretty magical. And magical! Let's talk about seeing Magic Johnson himself at the game! Wow!But, you know, just to make sure you guys are not under the impression that my life is all travel, sports, glamour and photography... when I got home from the airport today and came in the front door, I was greeted by huge amounts of dog vomit. And as I went to the basement door to let poor Merlin out so I could begin cleaning, I was greeted by more dog vomit. And then as I glanced down into the basement, I was greeted by huge amounts of doggie diarrhea!Do not fret, I believe we have determined the culprit of his upset stomach, and things should be returning to normalcy soon.And on that note, I'm going to share with you an amazing way to make your house smell delicious for the holidays. I've tried variations of this before with apples, but I believe I'll be experimenting with more of them as Merlin ages (ahem).