rock chalk


1112jayhawkssm4:12 am: Merlin wakes up the family because he's hot and wants outside.4:25 am: Merlin refuses to come inside when it's only 6 degrees outside, and I have to go outside in my pajamas to drag him in.5 am: I try to sleep on couch with Merlin. Fail. I try to go back to bed upstairs.5:30 am: I give up on sleep.6:45 am: Leave the house for class.10 am: Class ends, head home to finish packing and clean the house.11 am: Leave house for airport.2:30 pm: Land in Chicago.4 pm: Meet up with group of friends at KU bar for wings and drinks.6 pm: Catch cab to the United Center.8:30 pm: Enjoying one hell of a Michigan St. vs. Kentucky game. Don't know who to root for, just enjoying good basketball.8:45 pm: Spot Jay Bilas in the crowd.9:10 pm: Spot Magic Johnson in the crowd.9:30 pm: Duke vs. Kansas begins and I am TERRIFIED.9:50 pm: TERRIFIED.10:20 pm: STRESS.11:45 pm: Game ends. Kansas wins. Leslie exhales. Dick Vitale and his Duke favoritism can suck it.12:40 am: Cab drops us off at the apartment where we're staying and I edit down images for blog.1 am: Time to write blog. No mental energy left. Decide to create timeline instead. I'll try to do better tomorrow.