family, family, family
As you may imagine, I am in the thick of family portrait season. This means that I'm photographing several families each week to ensure they have some great images for their holiday cards. Some of these sessions are amazingly fun. Some are a little more challenging (toddlers have minds of their own! It's no big deal, you just have to be super flexible and roll with the changes).But a few weekends ago I was lucky enough to photograph one of my favorite families in their home on a beautiful Saturday morning. The light was amazing, the kids were in good moods, and ... they have an adorable dog (ding, ding, ding). A seriously adorable dog. Like, I would take this dog home with me right now.In general, I'm really lucky to be so smitten with many of my clients. It's a true gift to have repeat customers and to get to know the parents over many years and to watch the kids grow up. That little girl up there? I shot her and her brother when she was a newborn, and it's great to see how they've developed and how much they love each other. And? This family has another newborn! And the three of them together? Adorable.
Anyway, working on these kinds of sessions brings so much joy. So I decided to share these images with you today instead of a fresh daily shot. Don't worry, you'll get that tomorrow.
And for your internet share today, this article renewed my faith in the world a little. Oh! And the dad of that family up there is an author. I just got his new book for Ezra last weekend, and it is WONDERFUL. If you have a kid or know a kid or just like pretty books, you should get yourself a copy. And I'm not the only one who thinks so! The New York Times thinks so, too.