monday at the madhouse // our favorite season
We had a pretty great, but full, week over here at Shuttersmack HQ. Fall is here in full force, which meant lots of long walks, lots of playing in the leaves and lots of baking on my part (pumpkin bread! apple crisp! oatmeal cookies!). I normally hate to bake, but there is something rad about having homemade baked goods to offer to your own offspring. It's the inner June Cleaver coming out in me.We also had our dear friend Leah, who is an *amazing* hair stylist, come over to trim up Ezra's hair. He threw a fit, but we at least got the bangs and front end trimmed. We'll handle the back later. Don't worry, we might live in the "State of Hockey," but we're not letting our kid have hockey hair just yet.
Lots of hissing noises this weekend. We suspect a second tooth is on its way in...
This is the whole family on a walk to the farmer's market and the hardware store. It was only 42 degrees, so that's why Ezra is all bundled up. Jamie says I'm channeling my inner Jewish Mother.
When Leah arrived, she warmed Ezra up to her by letting him play with her tools. He loved it and was flirting and giving her belly laughs. Until she began her work.
Then he really turned on the charm.
Later that day, post haircut (doesn't it look better!?), we went shopping to get Jamie a new winter coat and we found these boots that I have coveted for 3 years on sale in my size. HUZZAH!
Ezra also got his bath tonight, and I finally remembered to bring my camera upstairs. Or rather, I finally remembered to ask my husband to bring it to me (oops).
Have I mentioned how enamored this kid is by his own reflection?
And splashing? It's the best.You know what else is the best? That I didn't get any photos of? Having a 16-year wedding anniversary with the man of your dreams. We hired a sitter, ate an *amazing* dinner out at Cafe Levain and then went and saw The Martian in 3D. I could not have had more fun. Hot damn, do I love that man.That's it for this week. Next week is Halloween! So hopefully I have some good shots for you then :) Have a great Monday, everyone!