freaky friday
HahhahaHahhahAHHAHAHAHhahaha. I love this photo.This is Jackson. He was a student of mine many years ago at the U, and now he shoots weddings with us at Rivets and Roses. Today I was at a photography workshop all afternoon, and he and I were partnered up to practice different techniques. This, above, is the "bad flash" or "paparazzi flash" technique, and I love how it looks like Jackson is heading into the slammer. It's even more hilarious because he's a pretty decent looking kid (see below).
Anyway, I attend this workshop each spring to brush up on my skills before heavy wedding season starts up, and it always gets me excited and ready to go. Today was no exception -- and such a fun group of photographers.The hard part of the day was that I came to the workshop after spending the morning at one of my very best friend's father's funeral. Seeing people you love so dearly wrangling with the hardest parts of life is tough. I just want everything to go so well for this girl from here on out -- she manages to handle everything with such grace and elegance though, it's a real inspiration.For your internet share, I'm sending you to this link of beautiful Mother's Day cards and reminding you all to buy and send your cards this weekend to make sure they arrive on time. And if you have friends who have lost their mothers, send them a note or call why don't you? Tell them you love them and you're thinking of them. I can't imagine how tough this holiday is if your mom is no longer around.